
Articles scientifiques

Publications du LECD sur son site HAL

  • [hal-03235566] Quel développement psychomoteur et social des bébés en Maison d’Accompagnement Parents Enfants (MAPE) ? Une question partagée des MAPE et de la pédopsychiatrie périnatale
    22 juillet 2024
    Quel développement psychomoteur et social des bébés en Maison d'Accompagnement Parents Enfants (MAPE) ? Une question partagée des MAPE et de la pédopsychiatrie périnatale What psychomotor and social development of babies in the parent and childcare center? A shared question of parent and childcare centers and perinatal child psychiatry
  • [hal-03636219] Comment les adolescents perçoivent-ils la relation avec leur camarade préféré(e) ?
    9 avril 2022
    Le premier objectif de cette recherche était d’apporter un soutien empirique à un modèle tridimensionnel de la perception qu’ont les adolescents de la relation avec leur camarade de classe préféré. Les trois dimensions étaient : l’attachement émotionnel au camarade, le sentiment qu’il serait prêt à apporter son aide pour réussir une activité scolaire, et le fait de s’attendre à ce qu’il offre son soutien en cas d’agression par d’autres élèves. Le deuxième objectif était de tester des hypothèses concernant les facteurs de variation de cette perception. Dans le cadre d’une enquête nationale, un échantillon représentatif des élèves français en classe de 3ème, âgés en moyenne de 15 ans et 4 mois, a répondu à un questionnaire destiné à évaluer cette perception. Une analyse factorielle confirmatoire (AFC) indique que le modèle tridimensionnel est bien ajusté aux réponses des élèves. Les trois sous-échelles sont positivement mais modérément inter-corrélées. Une analyse multivariée de la variance a révélé que la relation avec le camarade de classe préféré est mieux perçue par les filles que par les garçons, qu’elle est évaluée à un niveau plus élevé lorsque ce camarade est le meilleur ami en dehors du collège et aussi lorsque cette préférence n’est pas trop récente.
  • [hal-03636218] Les peurs des adolescents concernant leur avenir scolaire et professionnel : structure et variations selon le niveau scolaire, le sexe et la classe sociale
    9 avril 2022
    Les peurs des adolescents concernant leur avenir scolaire et professionnel 2 Les peurs des adolescents concernant leur avenir scolaire et professionnel : structure et variations selon le niveau scolaire, le sexe et la classe sociale. Résumé : La présente recherche vise à valider auprès d'adolescents un nouveau construit psychologique : l'anxiété suscitée par l'avenir scolaire et professionnel. Les résultats suggèrent que ce motif général d'anxiété se décline en trois motifs spécifiques : la peur d'échouer, la peur de décevoir ses parents, et la peur de s'éloigner de ses autruis significatifs, dans le cadre de ses parcours scolaire et professionnel. La force de ces motifs d'anxiété présente des différences significatives selon la classe sociale, le sexe et les performances scolaires. Les analyses de régression multiple révèlent que les différences persistent en dépit du contrôle du niveau scolaire. Cette anxiété peut être interprétée comme une composante d'un habitus de classe sociale ou de rôle sexué.
  • [hal-04498355] Social patterning of childhood overweight in the French national ELFE cohort
    11 mars 2024
    Abstract An inverse social gradient in early childhood overweight has been consistently described in high-income countries; however, less is known about the role of migration status. We studied the social patterning of overweight in preschool children according to the mother’s socio-economic and migration background. For 9250 children of the French ELFE birth cohort with body mass index collected at age 3.5 years, we used nested logistic regression to investigate the association of overweight status in children with maternal educational level, occupation, household income and migration status. Overall, 8.3% (95%CI [7.7–9.0]) of children were classified as overweight. The odds of overweight was increased for children from immigrant mothers (OR 2.22 [95% CI 1.75–2.78]) and descendants of immigrant mothers (OR 1.35 [1.04–2.78]) versus non-immigrant mothers. The highest odds of overweight was also observed in children whose mothers had low education, were unemployed or students, or were from households in the lowest income quintile. Our findings confirm that socio-economic disadvantage and migration status are risk factors for childhood overweight. However, the social patterning of overweight did not apply uniformly to all variables. These new and comprehensive insights should inform future public health interventions aimed at tackling social inequalities in childhood overweight.
  • [hal-04035254] Preadolescents' Recognition of Faces of Unfamiliar Peers: The Effect of Attractiveness of Faces
    17 mars 2023
    The authors examined preadolescents' ability to recognize faces of unfamiliar peers according to their attractiveness. They hypothesized that highly attractive faces would be less accurately recognized than moderately attractive faces because the former are more typical. In Experiment 1, 106 participants (M age =10 years) were asked to recognize faces of unknown peers who varied in gender and attractiveness (high- vs. medium-attractiveness). Results showed that attractiveness enhanced the accuracy of recognition for boys' faces and impaired recognition of girls' faces. The same interaction was found in Experiment 2, in which 92 participants (M age =12 years) were tested for their recognition of another set effaces of unfamiliar peers. The authors conducted Experiment 3 to examine whether the reason for that interaction is that high- and medium-attractive girls' faces differ more in typicality than do boys' faces. The effect size of attractiveness on typicality was similar for boys' and girls' faces. The overall results are discussed with reference to the development of face encoding and biological gender differences with respect to the typicality of faces during preadolescence.
  • [hal-04424300] Adolescent educational and occupational anxiety: A three-dimensional model to fit into an attachment framework
    10 juillet 2024
    We propose a model of the anxiety adolescents experience about their educational and occupational future that includes three topics they worry about: (a) career failure, (b) parental disappointment, and (c) separation from loved ones to achieve one’s career. A total of 16,663 15-year-old French participants filled out a new anxiety questionnaire and other self-reports. Factor analyses showed that all three topics belong to the same type of anxiety, and suggested that the adolescents’ fear about their career is closely interwoven with parental attachment. This new kind of anxiety varied across gender and was correlated with school-adjustment and personality variables.
  • [hal-04035198] Intensity seeking and novelty seeking: Their relationship to adolescent risk behavior and occupational interests
    17 mars 2023
    The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that individual differences in sensation seeking account for adolescents' risk behavior and vocational interests. We relied on Arnett's (1994) conceptualization of sensation seeking as involving a need for intensity and a need for novelty, neither of which includes the willingness to take risks. Self-report scales measuring intensity seeking, novelty seeking, impulsiveness, risk behavior and vocational interest were administered to 636 adolescents. New scales measuring intensity seeking (IS) and novelty seeking (NS) were used. Regression analyses showed that IS and to a lesser extent NS accounted for a small part of variance of risk behavior, independent of impulsiveness. IS and NS accounted for vocational interests. The discussion emphasizes the importance of disentangling sensation seeking as a trait from willingness to take risks when one intends to analyse the effect of the former on risk behavior.
  • [hal-04035310] Social anxiety with peers in 9- to 14-year-olds. Developmental process and relations with self-counsciousness and perceived peer acceptance
    17 mars 2023
    Studied the development and psychological correlates of social anxiety with peers in early adolescence, and whether there were age and gender differences. 508 French 4th–9th graders completed questionnaires assessing their perception of peer-related social anxiety, and the social cognitive dimensions of inward and outward self-consciousness and perceived peer acceptance. Results show that overall, there was a decreasing tendency with age for social anxiety and inward self-consciousness, although the participants increasingly perceived themselves to be neglected by their peers. Analyses suggested that inward self-consciousness, outward self-consciousness, and perceived peer acceptance contribute independently to social anxiety. The only sex difference in social anxiety was higher fear of negative evaluation among girls. Boys scored slightly higher than girls on perception of peers as liking them. These results may suggest which educational and clinical methods are most appropriate for helping adolescents who face high social anxiety.
  • [hal-04531919] Human genetic data reveal contrasting demographic patterns between sedentary and nomadic populations that predate the emergence of farming
    4 avril 2024
    Demographic changes are known to leave footprints on genetic polymorphism. Together with the increased availability of large polymorphism data sets, coalescent-based methods allow inferring the past demography of populations from their present-day patterns of genetic diversity. Here, we analyzed both nuclear (20 noncoding regions) and mitochondrial (HVS-I) resequencing data to infer the demographic history of 66 African and Eurasian human populations presenting contrasting lifestyles (nomadic hunter-gatherers, nomadic herders, and sedentary farmers). This allowed us to investigate the relationship between lifestyle and demography and to address the long-standing debate about the chronology of demographic expansions and the Neolithic transition. In Africa, we inferred expansion events for farmers, but constant population sizes or contraction events for hunter-gatherers. In Eurasia, we inferred higher expansion rates for farmers than herders with HVS-I data, except in Central Asia and Korea. Although isolation and admixture processes could have impacted our demographic inferences, these processes alone seem unlikely to explain the contrasted demographic histories inferred in populations with different lifestyles. The small expansion rates or constant population sizes inferred for herders and hunter-gatherers may thus result from constraints linked to nomadism. However, autosomal data revealed contraction events for two sedentary populations in Eurasia, which may be caused by founder effects. Finally, the inferred expansions likely predated the emergence of agriculture and herding. This suggests that human populations could have started to expand in Paleolithic times, and that strong Paleolithic expansions in some populations may have ultimately favored their shift toward agriculture during the Neolithic.
  • [hal-01704391] Sexually attractive phrases increase yolk androgens deposition in Canaries (Serinus canaria)
    8 février 2018
    The androgen concentration in birds' eggs varies with laying order, breeding conditions, and mate attractiveness. In passerine birds, mate attractiveness depends upon song quality. The aim of our study was to evaluate the eVect of one criterion used by females to assess male song quality that is to say the presence of sexually attractive phrases on yolk androgen deposition. Twenty-Wve female Canaries were assigned to three experimental groups; in the Wrst group, the females were allowed to hear songs made up with attractive phrases; in the second group, they were allowed to hear songs made up with non-attractive phrases; and in the control group, the females could not hear any song. Our results show that females allowed to hear songs with attractive phrases deposit signiWcantly higher amounts of androgens (mostly testosterone) in their eggs than females without acoustical stimulation. The females exposed to songs with non-attractive phrases had androgen amounts halfway between the two other groups. This suggests that when females are paired with mates able to sing attractive phrases they can allocate more androgens in their eggs during the pre-laying period.  2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • [hal-04531901] Inference of sex‐specific expansion patterns in human populations from Y ‐chromosome polymorphism
    4 avril 2024
    Studying the current distribution of genetic diversity in humans has important implications for our understanding of the history of our species. We analyzed a set of linked STR and SNP loci from the paternally inherited Y chromosome to infer the past demography of 55 African and Eurasian populations, using both the parametric and nonparametric coalescent‐based methods implemented in the BEAST application. We inferred expansion events in most sedentary farmer populations, while we found constant effective population sizes for both nomadic hunter‐gatherers and seminomadic herders. Our results differed, on several aspects, from previous results on mtDNA and autosomal markers. First, we found more recent expansion patterns in Eurasia than in Africa. This discrepancy, substantially stronger than the ones found with the other kind of markers, may result from a lower effective population size for men, which might have made male‐transmitted markers more sensitive to the out‐of‐Africa bottleneck. Second, we found expansion signals only for sedentary farmers but not for nomadic herders in Central Asia, while these signals were found for both kind of populations in this area when using mtDNA or autosomal markers. Expansion signals in this area may result from spatial expansion processes and may have been erased for the Y chromosome among the herders because of restricted male gene flow. Am J Phys Anthropol 157:217–225, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • [hal-04390049] Pigeons discriminate between human feeders
    12 janvier 2024
    Considered as plague in many cities, pigeons in urban areas live close to human activities and exploit this proximity to find food which is often directly delivered by people. In this study, we explored the capacity of feral pigeons to take advantage of this human-based food resource and discriminate between friendly and hostile people. Our study was conducted in an urban park. Pigeons were fed by two experimenters of approximately the same age and skin colour but wearing coats of different colours. During the training sessions, the two human feeders displayed different attitudes: one of the feeders was neutral and the second was hostile and chased away the pigeons. During the two test phases subsequent to the training phase, both feeders became neutral. Two experiments were conducted, one with one male and one female feeder and the second with two female feeders. In both experiments, the pigeons learned to quickly (six to nine sessions) discriminate between the feeders and maintained this discrimination during the test phases. The pigeons avoided the hostile feeder even when the two feeders exchanged their coats, suggesting that they used stable individual characteristics to differentiate between the experimenter feeders. Thus, pigeons are able to learn quickly from their interactions with human feeders and use this knowledge to maximize the profitability of the urban environment. This study provides the first experimental evidence in feral pigeons for this level of human discrimination.
  • [hal-01480096] Sense and Synchrony: Infant Communication and Musical Improvisation
    1 mars 2017
    This paper explores the forms and functions of synchrony in two communicative contexts: jazz musicians' performances and vocal communication between mothers and infants. We present the view that musical expression is first and foremost a form of communication, involving socially distributed practices that enable a coordination of ideas, intentions and meanings. We report on studies in developmental psychology that have highlighted infants' early abilities to connect with others. Synchrony is quite possibly the most fundamental of these abilities, enabling flexible and affectionate social encounters. We go on to argue that synchrony grounds meaning and culture within interpersonal processes. Synchrony is, at heart, a semiotic process which can readily do without language. Cet article explore les formes et les fonctions de la synchronie dans deux contextes de communication : les performances entre musiciens de jazz et la communication vocale entre mères et nourrissons. Nous partons de l'idée que l'expression musicale est avant tout une forme de communication impliquant des pratiques qui sont socialement distribuées, permettant une coordination d'idées, d'intentions et de significations. Plusieurs travaux en psychologie du développement révèlent les compétences précoces qui permettent au bébé d'entrer en contact avec son entourage social. La synchronie est potentiellement la plus fondamentale de ces compétences puisqu'elle encourage les échanges flexibles et affectueux. Nous suggérons enfin que la synchronie ancre le sens et la culture à travers des processus interpersonnels. La synchronie constituerait ainsi un processus sémiotique qui peut tout à fait se défaire du langage.
  • [hal-04531896] Different kinds of genetic markers permit inference of Paleolithic and Neolithic expansions in humans
    4 avril 2024
    Recent population genetic studies have provided valuable insights on the demographic history of our species. However, some issues such as the dating of the first demographic expansions in human populations remain puzzling. Indeed, although a few genetic studies argued that the first human expansions were concomitant with the Neolithic transition, many others found signals of expansion events starting during the Palaeolithic. Here we performed a simulation study to show that these contradictory findings may result from the differences in the genetic markers used, especially if two successive expansion events occurred. For a large majority of replicates for each scenario tested, microsatellite data allow only detecting the recent expansion event in that case, whereas sequence data allow only detecting the ancient expansion. Combined with previous real data analyses, our results bring support to the ideas that (i) a first human expansions started during the Palaeolithic period, (ii) a second expansion event occurred later, concomitantly with the Neolithic transition.
  • [hal-04246761] Langage adressé au bébé et exploration visuelle chez le bébé de 4,5mois : mise en évidence d’un effet de genre
    17 octobre 2023
    Background & aim. – Infant directed speech (IDS) is a simplified form of language known to capture infant visual attention. IDS is an early form of communication to which infants are particularly sensitive beginning at birth and play an essential part in the acquisition of language and in the development of social cognition. The present research aims at determining whether an infant as young as 4.5 months explores different face zones of a person talking to her when the form of speech employed is either IDS or adult directed speech (ADS). We wish to bring more insight in the relation between the way an adult talks to an infant and the infant’s visual attention, such a relation being a central tenet to understanding early interactions. Methods. – Eighteen 4.5 month-old infants were presented videos of a woman talking either IDS or ADS, each video played with and without soundtrack. The total time focused respectively on eye areas and mouth area was collected with an eye-tracking system (Tobii 2150). Results and conclusion. – Results showed evidence of more visual exploration when the soundtrack was played as opposed to silence while exploration focused more on the eye area. Moreover, interaction effects were observed involving a gender effect. These results raise the question of the importance of infant’s gaze and attention directed to the face, and specifically to the eyes of the partner. Indeed, eyes of a talking face seem of great importance at 4.5 months of age, i.e., long before an infant is known to be able to interpret a referential gaze. Our results also add to the gender effect differences found in early interactions between infant and social partners. A better understanding of what infant attention focuses on in a communication-oriented situation, including infant gender impact, would not only help to detect early parent-infant communication distortions but add to a more adapted and efficient clinical follow-up.
  • [hal-04559278] Fathers’ and mothers’ infant directed speech influences preterm infant behavioral state in the NICU
    25 avril 2024
    Preterm infants’ behavioral state and physiological parameters are affected by environmental noise and adult voices. Only a handful of studies have explored the effects of direct maternal vocal communication on preterm infants’ autonomous nervous system responses. Furthermore, to our knowledge, no study to date has investigated the effect of the father’s voice on preterm infant’s behaviors and physiological parameters. This study evaluated the effects of both mothers’ and fathers’ infant-directed speech on preterm infants’ behavioral states. Fourteen stable, premature infants serving as their own controls were videotaped while their mother and father were speaking to them for 5 min over 2 consecutive days. Infants’ behavioral states and state lability were coded for each voice presentation (father and mother), in the three different conditions, before, during, and after the intervention. Present results show an interaction between vocal intervention and infant behavioral state. Both maternal and paternal speech modified infant behavioral state, but no significant difference in the behavioral state distribution was observed between mother’s and father’s voice presentation. Infants spent more time in a quiet alert state when they heard both voices compared to no vocalization baseline. These findings indicate the importance of both the fathers’ and the mothers’ voice for preterm infants. The parental vocal intervention has an awakening effect. Further studies are needed to better identify the benefits for preterm infants of a relational care approach.
  • [hal-04307298] Skin-to-skin SDF positioning: The key to intersubjective intimacy between mother and very preterm newborn—A pilot matched-pair case-control study
    21 mai 2024
    Background Skin-to-skin contact (SSC) has been widely studied in NICU and several meta-analyses have looked at its benefits, for both the baby and the parent. However, very few studies have investigated SSC’ benefits for communication, in particular in the very-preterm newborn immediately after birth. Aims To investigate the immediate benefits of Supported Diagonal Flexion (SDF) positioning during SSC on the quality of mother—very-preterm newborn communication and to examine the coordination of the timing of communicative behaviors, just a few days after birth. Subjects and study design Monocentric prospective matched-pair case-control study. Thirty-four mothers and their very preterm infants (27 to 31 + 6 weeks GA, mean age at birth: 30 weeks GA) were assigned to one of the two SSC positioning, either the Vertical Control positioning ( n = 17) or the SDF Intervention positioning ( n = 17). Mother and newborn were filmed during the first 5 min of their first SSC. Outcome measures Infants’ states of consciousness according to the Assessment of Preterm Infants’ Behavior scale (APIB). Onset and duration of newborns’ and mothers’ vocalizations and their temporal proximity within a 1-s time-window. Results In comparison with the Vertical group, very preterm newborns in the SDF Intervention Group spent less time in a drowsy state and more in deep sleep. At 3.5 days of life, newborns’ vocal production in SSC did not differ significantly between the two groups. Mothers offered a denser vocal envelope in the SDF group than in the Vertical group and their vocalizations were on average significantly longer. Moreover, in a one-second time-frame, temporal proximity of mother-very preterm newborn behaviors was greater in the SDF Intervention Group. Conclusion Although conducted on a limited number of dyads, our study shows that SDF positioning fosters mother-very preterm newborn intimate encounter during the very first skin to skin contact after delivery. Our pioneer data sheds light on the way a mother and her very preterm vocally meet, and constitutes a pilot step in the exploration of innate intersubjectivity in the context of very preterm birth.
  • [hal-01643578] Soutenir l’élaboration de la relation parent-enfant en cas de prématurité
    22 novembre 2017
    L’évolution de la prise en charge de la prématurité met à jour un écueil particulier, celui d’un développement de la parentalité et de la relation parents-bébé entravé par une naissance trop précoce z Les conséquences à court et à long termes des perturbations de ces deux dimensions en font des enjeux majeurs dans la prise en charge institutionnelle des parents et de leur enfant prématuré.
  • [hal-01478451] Intentional Gestural Communication and Discrimination of Human Attentional States in Rhesus Macaques (Macaca Mulatta)
    28 février 2017
    Pourquoi les femmes sont-elles sujettes à la ménopause ? Cette question reste en grande partie mystérieuse. Logiquement, les mécanismes biologiques de l'évolution font en sorte que les invididus ne vivent guère longtemps au-delà de leur période de procréation. La ménopause est ainsi rarissime, et ne se produit que dans l'espèce humaine, ainsi que chez deux cétacés : l'orque et le globicéphale. Ce qui a poussé les biologistes à s'intéresser aux orques, dans le but de comprendre pourquoi leurs femelles sont ménopausées. Des observations nouvelles viennent ainsi d'être réalisées et publiées par une équipe de chercheurs de l'Université d'Exeter en Grande-Bretagne associée à des spécialistes des baleines de l'État de Washington, aux États-Unis. Ces observations pourraient expliquer pourquoi les femelles de rares espèces (dont la nôtre) ont une durée de vie largement supérieure à leur période de reproduction. Les orques vivent en troupes d'une quinzaine d'individus unis par des liens sociaux riches et complexes. Remarquablement intelligentes, parfois qualifiées de « baleines tueuses », les femelles âgées tiennent une place particulière que l'on peut observer dans des scènes typiques de la vie de ces animaux, où une orque conduit par exemple ses fils et ses filles, déjà d'âge adulte, vers un banc de saumons. Les jeunes adultes, parfaitement capables de chasser, se laissent mener sur la trajectoire du banc de poissons, dont ils semblent ignorer l'emplacement exact. Tout se passe comme si la...
  • [hal-01478446] Do Tonkean Macaques (Macaca Tonkeana) Tailor Their Gestural and Visual Signals to Fit the Attentional States of a Human Partner?
    28 février 2017
    Pourquoi les femmes sont-elles sujettes à la ménopause ? Cette question reste en grande partie mystérieuse. Logiquement, les mécanismes biologiques de l'évolution font en sorte que les invididus ne vivent guère longtemps au-delà de leur période de procréation. La ménopause est ainsi rarissime, et ne se produit que dans l'espèce humaine, ainsi que chez deux cétacés : l'orque et le globicéphale. Ce qui a poussé les biologistes à s'intéresser aux orques, dans le but de comprendre pourquoi leurs femelles sont ménopausées. Des observations nouvelles viennent ainsi d'être réalisées et publiées par une équipe de chercheurs de l'Université d'Exeter en Grande-Bretagne associée à des spécialistes des baleines de l'État de Washington, aux États-Unis. Ces observations pourraient expliquer pourquoi les femelles de rares espèces (dont la nôtre) ont une durée de vie largement supérieure à leur période de reproduction. Les orques vivent en troupes d'une quinzaine d'individus unis par des liens sociaux riches et complexes. Remarquablement intelligentes, parfois qualifiées de « baleines tueuses », les femelles âgées tiennent une place particulière que l'on peut observer dans des scènes typiques de la vie de ces animaux, où une orque conduit par exemple ses fils et ses filles, déjà d'âge adulte, vers un banc de saumons. Les jeunes adultes, parfaitement capables de chasser, se laissent mener sur la trajectoire du banc de poissons, dont ils semblent ignorer l'emplacement exact.
  • [hal-04532112] Working with dogs in olfactory searches in the French Armed Forces and national Police Forces
    4 avril 2024
    This study aims to investigate the relationships and cooperation within human-dog teams working in olfactory search in the French Armed Forces and in national Police Forces. Twenty-six semi-structured interviews were carried out with canine handlers. The main topic concerned working with their dog during olfactory searches. Among the themes that stand out are relationships with their dog and canine knowledge and practices. Minor differences and similarities between dyads of the two institutions are identified in human-dog relationships. Regarding relationships with dogs, two main differences are linked to the long missions abroad experienced by Armed Forces handlers and the possibility of welcoming dogs into their homes for Police Forces. The constitution of canine knowledge and practices is rooted in experiences and transactions with dogs, but also in social transmission. Even though there is no major differences between the two institutions, this study highlights the interest of having a situated approach.
  • [hal-01586927] Update on Mental Health of Infants and Children of Parents Affected With Mental Health Issues
    13 septembre 2017
    This paper highlights the most recent publications, in the field of psychiatry, on offspring of patients with psychiatric illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, and then summarizes what we know about the progeny of adults with mood disorders, the most prevalent of parental disorders. Studies examining personality disorders and contextual factors such as stress and trauma are examined with a focus on the crucial question of development and attachment status in children. Findings converge to reveal that offspring of parents (generally mothers) with most major psychiatric disorders present a higher risk for all mental disorders, and a wide range of disorders are also found in children, adolescent, and finally adult offspring of mothers with mood and anxiety disorders. Developmental psychopathology and infant and child psychiatry have focused on early relationship formation through social interaction and attachment patterns as pathways affected by vulnerability or resilience factors. First year of life longitudinal studies following mothers and infants has shown that maternal psychopathology is positively correlated with higher risk of attachment issues. It would seem that pathology appears when adaptation to real-life contexts becomes difficult in association with an accumulation of negative individual characteristics and environmental circumstances. We suggest that in order to move forward psychiatry should embrace a developmental cascade model, which posits a cumulative pathway for the emergence of psychopathology in the developing child. We propose that we have sufficient knowledge today to start implementing multilevel approaches to enhance the health and mental health of the next generation.
  • [hal-04559319] Update on mental health of infants and children of parents affected with mental health issues
    25 avril 2024
    This paper highlights the most recent publications, in the field of psychiatry, on offspring of patients with psychiatric illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, and then summarizes what we know about the progeny of adults with mood disorders, the most prevalent of parental disorders. Studies examining personality disorders and contextual factors such as stress and trauma are examined with a focus on the crucial question of development and attachment status in children. Findings converge to reveal that offspring of parents (generally mothers) with most major psychiatric disorders present a higher risk for all mental disorders, and a wide range of disorders are also found in children, adolescent, and finally adult offspring of mothers with mood and anxiety disorders. Developmental psychopathology and infant and child psychiatry have focused on early relationship formation through social interaction and attachment patterns as pathways affected by vulnerability or resilience factors. First year of life longitudinal studies following mothers and infants has shown that maternal psychopathology is positively correlated with higher risk of attachment issues. It would seem that pathology appears when adaptation to real-life contexts becomes difficult in association with an accumulation of negative individual characteristics and environmental circumstances. We suggest that in order to move forward psychiatry should embrace a developmental cascade model, which posits a cumulative pathway for the emergence of psychopathology in the developing child. We propose that we have sufficient knowledge today to start implementing multilevel approaches to enhance the health and mental health of the next generation.
  • [hal-04589873] Object play and problem solving in infancy: Insights into tool use
    27 mai 2024
    Tool use is primarily, but not exclusively, present in species with otherwise advanced cognitive traits. However, the interaction between such traits and conspecific inter-individual variation in the presence, complexity, or intensity of tool use is far from being established. We addressed this matter among human infants, seeking factors that relate to differences in tool use. We examined, both correlationally and experimentally, whether the propensity to engage in object combinations predicts performance in means–end problem-solving tasks involving or not involving the use of a tool. We tested 71 infants aged 15, 18, 21, and 24 months, dividing them into two subgroups: one exposed to an adult demonstrating object–object combinations (i.e., “prompting” infants to combine objects together) and another with comparable social exposure but where the adult demonstrated single-object manipulations. We found a correlation between the combined level of spontaneous and prompted object combinations and problem-solving performance regardless of the involvement of tools in the problem. However, we did not find differences in tool-use performance between the two demonstration subgroups. The correlational analysis suggests that complexity of play, as measured by the frequency of combining objects, is linked to infants’ problem-solving skills rather than being specifically associated with tool use, as previously suggested in the literature.
  • [hal-04233451] Limb Preference in Animals: New Insights into the Evolution of Manual Laterality in Hominids
    28 mai 2024
    Until the 1990s, the notion of brain lateralization—the division of labor between the two hemispheres—and its more visible behavioral manifestation, handedness, remained fiercely defined as a human specific trait. Since then, many studies have evidenced lateralized functions in a wide range of species, including both vertebrates and invertebrates. In this review, we highlight the great contribution of comparative research to the understanding of human handedness’ evolutionary and developmental pathways, by distinguishing animal forelimb asymmetries for functionally different actions—i.e., potentially depending on different hemispheric specializations. Firstly, lateralization for the manipulation of inanimate objects has been associated with genetic and ontogenetic factors, with specific brain regions’ activity, and with morphological limb specializations. These could have emerged under selective pressures notably related to the animal locomotion and social styles. Secondly, lateralization for actions directed to living targets (to self or conspecifics) seems to be in relationship with the brain lateralization for emotion processing. Thirdly, findings on primates’ hand preferences for communicative gestures accounts for a link between gestural laterality and a left-hemispheric specialization for intentional communication and language. Throughout this review, we highlight the value of functional neuroimaging and developmental approaches to shed light on the mechanisms underlying human handedness.
  • [hal-01478449] Female Signalling to Male Song in the Domestic Canary, Serinus Canaria
    28 février 2017
    Most studies on sexual selection focus on male characteristics such as male song in songbirds. Yet female vocalizations in songbirds are growing in interest among behavioural and evolutionary biologists because these vocalizations can reveal the female's preferences for male traits and may affect male display. This study was designed to test whether male song performance influences the different female signals in the domestic canary (Serinus canaria). Female canaries were exposed to three types of song performance, differing in the repetition rate of sexy syllables. This experiment demonstrates that female birds are engaged in multimodal communication during sexual interaction. The results support the copulation solicitation hypothesis for female-specific trills: these trills were positively correlated and had a similar pattern to the copulation solicitation displays; responses were higher to the songs with higher performance and responses decreased with the repetition of the stimulation. Also, we observed a sensitization effect with the repetition of the song of the highest performance for the simple calls. Simple trills and other calls were more frequent during the broadcast of canary songs compared with the heterospecific control songs. The differential use of female signals in response to different song performance reveals a highly differentiated female signalling system which is discussed in light of the role of female traits to understand sexual selection in a broader perspective.
  • [hal-01478471] A Potential Role for Parasites in the Maintenance of Color Polymorphism in Urban Birds
    28 février 2017
    Urbanization is a major challenge for biodiversity conservation, yet the evolutionary processes taking place in urbanized areas remain poorly known. Human activities in cities set new selective forces in motion which need to be investigated to predict the evolutionary responses of animal species living in urban areas. In this study, we investigated the role of urbanization and parasites in the maintenance of melanin-based color polymorphism in the feral pigeon Columba livia. Using a correlative approach, we tested whether differently colored genotypes displayed alternative phenotypic responses to urbanization, by comparing body condition, blood parasite prevalence and parasite load between colored morphs along an urbanization gradient. Body condition did not vary with urbanization, but paler individuals had a higher body condition than darker individuals. Moreover, paler morphs were less often parasitized than darker morphs in moderately urbanized habitats, but their parasite prevalence increased with urbanization. In contrast, darker morphs had similar parasite prevalence along the urbanization gradient. This suggests that paler morphs did better than darker morphs in moderately urbanized environments but were negatively affected by increasing urbanization, while darker morphs performed equally in all environments. Thus, differently colored individuals were distributed non-randomly across the urban habitat and suffered different parasite risk according to their location (a gene-by-environment interaction). This suggests that melanin-based coloration might reflect alternative strategies to cope with urbanization via different exposure or susceptibility to parasites. Spatial variability of parasite pressures linked with urbanization may, thus, play a central role in the maintenance of plumage color polymorphism in this urban species.
  • [hal-03484132] French handlers’ perspectives on Animal-Assisted Interventions
    24 mai 2023
    BackgroundAnimal-Assisted Interventions (AAI) are well implemented in human healthcare, in France as elsewhere; yet there are still difficulties in characterizing these practices and misconceptions about their mechanisms - little is known about the French practice of AAI and about the human-animal team.ObjectivesThis study aims to characterize AAI by exploring their specificities through French handlers’ perspectives.Material and methodAn online survey addressed to French handlers working in AAI with mainly one dog was carried out. This research included questions about their practice in AAI (registration status, beneficiaries, and animals) and their background (training in AAI, training in the medico-social field, training in animal behavior). We then examined a phenomenological understanding of handlers’ definitions of their practice in AAI, their motivations to work with these approaches, and the expectations of the human-animal team. We used an open coding strategy and created major themes from their answers.Results111 handlers participated in this study. The quantitative data highlighted a heterogeneity of handlers' profiles and professional backgrounds, although most profiles had previous training in healthcare. Five themes characterizing AAI emerged from the qualitative analysis: (1) AAI as additional approaches to care settings, (2) AAI as person-centered approaches, (3) the complementarity between handlers and their animal(s), (4) the shared role of mediator, and (5) handlers’ beliefs about the human-animal relationship related to their personal experiences. This survey allowed us to understand how the French use AAI and its role in the care system.ConclusionThe benefits of AAI are numerous both for care settings and for the caregivers mainly by making the care more humane. AAI seem to put the wellbeing of beneficiaries and the relationship with the caregiver at the center of the care. The complementarity of the human-animal team is the common feature of these practices and is critical to their success. Future interdisciplinary studies are required to explore the particularities of these interspecific approaches and the differences between countries.
  • [hal-03484139] The State of Animal-Assisted Interventions in France: Is the IAHAIO Model Relevant?
    26 mars 2024
    Animal-assisted interventions (AAI) became more generalized in health care settings and their development in Europe is increasing. In France, the practice has grown in the absence of official recognition and regulation. In this context, we aim to identify the main characteristics of the French practice of AAI that can influence the establishment of a local regulation. Second, we aim to question the relevance of the model proposed by the International Association of Human-Animal Interaction Organizations (IAHAIO) distinguishing animal-assisted therapies (AAT) and (AAA) animal-assisted activities from the French practice of AAI. We interviewed 111 French handlers in AAI that work with at least one dog through an online questionnaire about their professional backgrounds and the main features of their practices of AAI (characteristics, beneficiaries, and animals). Our results indicated that AAI are at an important moment of expansion and are currently under autonomous regulation. Practices and handlers' backgrounds are heterogeneous, as well as training centers in AAI, which reflect the fragmentation of the field. This snapshot of the French practice of AAI underlined that regulations should focus first on a mandatory training, a common standard for each training center, and specific guidelines for each pathology and animal species involved. In addition, the influence of handlers' backgrounds on the type of AAI they practice must be taken into account in regulations. As animals are central in AAI, regulations should focus on their welfare and the certification of dogs to ensure both their safety and the safety of beneficiaries during sessions. Finally, the initial training in the medico-social field seems to influence the practices. Therefore, the common model distinguishing AAT and AAA could be a basis to regulate AAI in France, as in Italy. Indeed, our results underlined that a first categorization between AAI as a professional specialization or an independent profession could be useful. Still, whatever the type of practices, animal and beneficiary welfare should be at the center of regulations in a One Health perspective. As a result, the French government needs to support AAI development such as in other European countries (Sweden, Austria, and Italy) and should collaborate with handlers, organizations, health care facilities, animal professions, and scientists.
  • [hal-01478480] Horizontal Transmission of the Father's Song in the Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia Guttata)
    21 novembre 2017
    As is the case for human speech, birdsong is transmitted across generations by imitative learning. Although transfer of song patterns from adults to juveniles typically occurs via vertical or oblique transmission, there is also evidence of horizontal transmission between juveniles of the same generation. Here, we show that a young male zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) that has been exposed to its father during the sensitive period for song learning can lead a brother, that has never heard the paternal song, to imitate some sounds of the father. Moreover, song similarity between the two brothers was higher than the similarity measured between the paternal song and the song of the brother that had a week-long exposure to the father. We speculate that the phenomenon of within-generation song learning among juveniles may be more widespread than previously thought and that when a juvenile evaluates potential models for imitative learning, a sibling may be as salient as an adult.
  • [hal-00187117] Sexually attractive phrases increase yolk androgens deposition in Canaries (Serinus canaria)
    13 novembre 2007
    The androgen concentration in birds' eggs varies with laying order, breeding conditions, and mate attractiveness. In passerine birds, mate attractiveness depends upon song quality. The aim of our study was to evaluate the eVect of one criterion used by females to assess male song quality that is to say the presence of sexually attractive phrases on yolk androgen deposition. Twenty-Wve female Canaries were assigned to three experimental groups; in the Wrst group, the females were allowed to hear songs made up with attractive phrases; in the second group, they were allowed to hear songs made up with non-attractive phrases; and in the control group, the females could not hear any song. Our results show that females allowed to hear songs with attractive phrases deposit signiWcantly higher amounts of androgens (mostly testosterone) in their eggs than females without acoustical stimulation. The females exposed to songs with non-attractive phrases had androgen amounts halfway between the two other groups. This suggests that when females are paired with mates able to sing attractive phrases they can allocate more androgens in their eggs during the pre-laying period.
  • [hal-04559312] Exposure to human voices has beneficial effects on preterm infants in the neonatal intensive care unit.
    25 avril 2024
    We reviewed the literature up to March 2016 on the effects of nonmaternal voices on preterm infants’ clinical outcomes. Of the 11 studies that met the inclusion criteria, 10 focused on short‐term outcomes and one looked at long‐term effects. The studies mainly showed that vocal stimuli increased preterm infants’ stability in terms of heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation and behavioural measures. Improvements in feeding skills were also reported. The methods and the measures used in the studies were heterogeneous, making it difficult to draw reliable conclusions. Conclusion Vocal stimuli increased preterm infants’ stability, but further studies are needed.
  • [hal-04559299] Father–newborn vocal interaction: A contribution to the theory of innate intersubjectivity.
    25 avril 2024
    We studied the timing of the spontaneous vocalization that occurs in dyadic interactions of fathers and their neonates. We recorded 21 fathers speaking to their 2 to 4‐day‐old newborns at the maternity ward and accurately coded all beginnings and endings of paternal and neonatal vocalization, using sound visualization software. Temporal relations between successive and overlapping newborn and father vocalizations were analysed. Results strongly suggest that newborn infants' vocalization timing is related to the timing of fathers' speech and that both newborns and fathers respond to each other within a 1–3 s temporal window, giving rise to sequences of turn‐taking. This study not only shows newborns' awareness of the timing of their partner's expressions but also fathers' readiness to communicate with them right from birth. We discuss the relevance of these findings to the theory of innate intersubjectivity.
  • [hal-04559272] Vocal responsiveness of preterm infants to maternal infant-directed speaking and singing during skin-to-skin contact (Kangaroo Care) in the NICU.
    25 avril 2024
    Vocalizations of full-term newborns occur in a short latency time during the neonatal period. Contingent response time of preterm babies is still unknown. An increase of preterm babies’ vocalizations following exposure to parental speech was also observed. Mothers and babies co-modulate their vocalizations in preterm dyads. Purpose: To observe temporal features of maternal and infants’ vocalizations in speaking and singing conditions in preterm dyads. Methods: In a NICU mothers (N = 36) were invited to speak and to sing to their preterm infants during Kangaroo Care. Microanalysis of temporal units were performed with ELAN Software. Results and conclusions: Preterm infants vocalize less often while their mothers speak and sing than during baseline and their vocalizations tend to be more alternating in the speaking condition and more overlapping in the singing condition. It is also concluded that preterm infants take more time to respond to maternal speaking than to maternal singing.



2023/06/30 - Articles de Johana Ryšavá

2022/04/07 - Michel Kreutzer, sur France Culture (du 04/04/2022 au 07/04/2022 - disponible en podcast en intégralité dès le lundi après la diffusion du premier épisode), dans l'émission LSD -  Série documentaire "L'intelligence du vivant", de Franck Bessière, réalisée par Anne Fleury
1er épisode - "Définir le vivant" « Depuis pas mal d'années, on se rend compte que les êtres vivants, les organismes, notamment les vertébrés supérieurs, les oiseaux, les mammifères, recherchent également ce qui est source de plaisir. Un vivant, c'est donc aussi un être qui recherche des plaisirs et qui essaie d'éviter les déplaisirs. C'est une des raisons sans doute pour laquelle aujourd'hui, on donne tant d'importance à la souffrance animale et qu'on estime que l'on doit se donner des règles éthiques dans nos relations avec les animaux. »
2ème épisode - "L'humain un vivant d'exception"
3ème épisode - "Dans la tête des animaux" « Les émotions entrent pleinement dans les études éthologiques, qui ne se limitent donc plus seulement aux comportements. »
4ème épisode - "Le génie du vivant"

2022/03/30 - Michel Kreutzer, au Musée du Quai Branly - Université populaire 2021/2022, Thème 2 : Le corps - "L'"apprendre animal" : comment le savoir se transmet et s'apprend chez les animaux" 
2021/12/07 - Rana Esseily, Carla Aimé, Dalila Bovet et Maya Gratier, à la Philharmonie de Paris - Colloque "Pédagogie du chant choral" - "Résultats de l'étude scientifique -  impacts sur les capacités psychosociales, les apprentissages scolaires et le bien-être des enfants" (10h20)
2021/10/26 - Michel Kreutzer, sur France Inter, dans l’émission "Grand bien vous fasse" - "Autour des ‘Folies animales'"
2021/10/13 - Michel Kreutzer interviewé par Caroline Lachowski, sur RFI , dans l'émission "Autour de la question" - "La folie est-elle le propre de l’homme ?"
2021/10/11 - Rana Esseily sur France Culture, dans l'émission "La méthode scientifique" - "Rire : c’est du sérieux!"
2021/03/28 - Michel Kreutzer, interviewé par Octave Larmagnac-Matheron, dans Philosophie magazine - "Zoopsychiatrie : À la découverte des folies animales"
2021/03/25 - Michel Kreutzer, invité de l’association CVA (Connaissance et Vie d’Aujourd’hui) de Lille - Conférence "Éthologie : sommes-nous tous des bêtes ?"

2017/10/26 : France Infos junior - "Que se passe-t-il dans la tête des bébés ?"
2017/03/26 : France Inter - "Les Savanturiers" - en direct du salon du livre (à partir de 40 min 20) pour la promotion de La science à Contrepied paru aux éditions Belin.
2017/04/12 : France 3 - Le monde de Jamy : "Ces animaux si proches de nous"
2015/01/02 : France 5 - C dans l'air : "Mon chat est-il une personne ?"
2014/07/07 : France culture - Les matins d'été, 2ème partie : Les invités culture/Idées. "Malin comme un corbeau", avec deux éthologues Agatha Lievin-Bazin et Valérie Dufour (à partir de la 98ème minute).
2013/06 : NBC News - "Finches sing like birds and their dad taught them how"
2014/04 : France Culture - "L'intelligence du perroquet"
2013/10 : France Culture - Emission Continent Science : "L’homosexualité animale" (audio 54').
Cité des sciences et de l'industrie - Cycle de conférences Universciences "Corps et esprit : indissociables" : "Accéder à la vie subjective des animaux" - Michel Kreutzer.
2012/12 : The Telegraph "Parrot listens to Scissor Sisters' music".
2012/12 : France 5 - Emission "On n'est pas que des cobayes" : "Les éléphants ont-ils peur des souris".
2011/05 : France Inter - Emission "Vivre avec les bêtes", 29 mai : (05/2011)

2019/11/30 : The Economist - Male nightingales spend the winter practising.
2019/11/26 : New Scientist - Nightingales practise new songs in winter to impress mates in spring.
2017/03 :  Sciences Psy - Le tempo de notre quotidien - Et si nous prenions le temps ?, pp.30.
2014/12 : Santé magazine, n°469 sur l'empathie.
2014/09/03 : BMC - The unheard message of larksong.
2014/06 : JDD - L'intelligence des corbeaux
2013/11 : JDD - Comment les oiseaux apprennent-ils à chanter ?
2012/03&04 : Cerveau&Psycho - Le perroquet mentaliste.
2011 : Le Pigeon en Ville - La vie sociale du pigeon Bizet.
2011/12 : Le Républicain Lorrain - Les pigeons sont physionomistes.
2011/08 : Futura Sciences Les canaris font leur show... et s'adaptent à leur public !
2011/08 : Les Echos - Le perroquet, une langue et un cerveau.
2011/05 : BBC News - Parrots choose to work together.
2011/05 : Maxisciences - Intelligence du perroquet gris : collaboration et personnalité.
2011/05 : PhysOrg - Parrots display teamwork and decision-making skills.
2009/04 : Science Actualité, Universciences - Des piafs malins comme des singes.
2005/02 : BBC News - Sleep helps birds sing better.
A good night's sleep helps young birds master the art of singing, but only after a rather groggy start, Nature magazine has reported.
Savoirs Essonne - Masculin/féminin : le genre existe-t-il chez les animaux ?


Michel Kreutzer (2021), Folies Animales, Le Pommier, Paris.

Bernard Thierry & Michel Kreutzer (dir, 2021), Témoignages sur la naissance d’une science, Les développements de l’éthologie en France (1956-1990), ouvrage collectif, Presses Universitaires de Paris Nanterre.

Franck Péron (2011), L'intelligence des perroquets: l'hypothèse du cerveau social: Compétition et coopération chez les psittacidés, Editions universitaires européennes.


Mis à jour le 23 novembre 2023